Chief Petty Officer Minna Richardson  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Solomani, Imperium 51 F 5 (-1) 2 (-2) 1 (-2) 11 (1) 11 (1) 6 (0)521BB6
Flighty, Fun to be around
Admin 1
Animals 0
Art (Presentation) 0
Athletics (Strength) 1
Broker 0
Drive (Hovercraft) 1
Electronics (Comms) 1
Electronics (Computers) 1
Electronics (Remote Ops) 1
Engineer (M-drive) 1
Flyer (Wing) 1
Gunner 0
Mechanic 3
Persuade 0
Science (Space Sciences/Astronomy) 1
Science (Social Sciences/Philosophy) 1
Science (Robotic Sciences/Robotics) 1
Steward 0
Survival 0
Tactics (Military) 1
Vacc Suit 1
Merchant Broker 01
Scholar Scientist 22
Navy Engineer/Gunner Chief Petty Officer55
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Alton Jack Contact 3 1 2 0 Tezcat (M/45)
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Merchant (Broker).
1 22 Embroiled in legal trouble.
2 22 Voluntarily left Broker
2 22 Became a Scholar (Scientist).
2 25 Win a prestigious prize for Minna Richardson's work.
2 26 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 1.
3 26 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
3 27 Assigned to work on a secret project for a patron or organisation.
3 30 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 2.
4 30 Voluntarily left Scientist
4 30 Became a Navy (Engineer/Gunner) with the new title Crewman.
4 32 Commanding officer takes an interest in Minna Richardson's career.
4 34 Promoted to Navy (Engineer/Gunner) rank 1 with the new title Able Spacehand.
5 34 Attempted to change assignments.
5 34 Failed to qualify for Line/Crew (Navy).
5 34 Continued as Navy (Engineer/Gunner).
5 38 Commanding officer takes an interest in Minna Richardson's career.
5 38 Promoted to Navy (Engineer/Gunner) rank 2 with the new title Petty Officer, 3rd class.
6 38 Attempted to change assignments.
6 38 Failed to qualify for Flight (Navy).
6 38 Continued as Navy (Engineer/Gunner).
6 39 Abuse Minna Richardson's position for profit.
6 42 Promoted to Navy (Engineer/Gunner) rank 3 with the new title Petty Officer, 2nd class.
7 42 Continued as Navy (Engineer/Gunner).
7 46 Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
7 46 Gain a contact.
7 46 Promoted to Navy (Engineer/Gunner) rank 4 with the new title Petty Officer, 1st class.
8 46 Continued as Navy (Engineer/Gunner).
8 50 Moved to a new world.
8 50 Promoted to Navy (Engineer/Gunner) rank 5 with the new title Chief Petty Officer.
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