Retired Initiate Agatha Howe  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Answerin 59 F 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 8 (0) 8 (0) 6 (0)111886
Guilt Ridden, Unreceptive, Daredevil
Admin 1
Art (Presentation) 0
Athletics 0
Diplomat 1
Drive 0
Electronics (Comms) 1
Electronics (Computers) 2
Engineer (Power) 1
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Heavy Weapons 0
Investigate 1
Language (Vilani (1st Imperium)) 1
Medic 2
Melee 0
Persuade 1
Profession (Worker/Religion) 1
Recon 0
Science (Social Sciences/Belief) 2
Science (Robotic Sciences/Cybernetics) 1
Science (Social Sciences/History) 1
Science (Social Sciences/Philosophy) 1
Science (Social Sciences/Psychology) 1
Streetwise 0
Vacc Suit 0
Army Infantry Private01
Scholar Scientist 46
Believer Mainstream Believer Initiate14
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Dorothea Baldry Rival 1 1 3 1 Answerin (F/43)
Florida Bent Enemy 0 4 3 0 Darmine (F/77)
Florida Bent is out of contact doing something interesting but not suspicious.
Katy Dabs Rival 3 2 0 3 Answerin (F/21)
Relationship becomes more moderate.
An incident occured.
Katy Dabs is a questionable figure such as a criminal, pirate or disgraced noble.
Reese Donoughoe Contact 1 2 0 0 Ziadd (M/73)
Relationship altered.
Reese Donoughoe is a questionable figure such as a criminal, pirate or disgraced noble.
Reese Donoughoe is diminished in both power and influence.
Relationship redefined. Rival becomes a contact.
Relationship becomes more moderate.
Kattie Moreno Rival 0 0 3 0 Yilean (F/60)
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Army (Infantry) with the new title Private.
1 19 Agatha Howe is tormented by or quarrel with an officer or fellow soldier. Gain that officer as a Rival.
2 19 Became a Scholar (Scientist).
2 20 Caught cheating in some fashion, advancing Agatha Howe's career and research by stealing another’s work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth.
2 20 A disaster or war strikes.
2 20 Injured. Fully recovered. Owe 1,250 for medical bills.
2 20 The planetary government interferes with Agatha Howe's research for political or religious reasons. Agatha Howe continue working openly and gain an Enemy.
2 20 Gain an Enemy
2 23 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 1.
3 23 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
3 27 A rival researcher blackens Agatha Howe's name or steals Agatha Howe's research. Gain a Rival.
4 27 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
4 28 Make a breakthrough in Agatha Howe's field.
4 31 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 2.
5 31 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
5 32 Assigned to work on a secret project for a patron or organisation.
5 35 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 3.
6 35 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
6 36 Caught cheating in some fashion, advancing Agatha Howe's career and research by stealing another’s work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth.
6 36 A disaster leaves several injured, and others blame Agatha Howe, forcing Agatha Howe to leave Agatha Howe's career. Gain a Rival.
6 36 Scarred. Fully recovered. Owe 2,500 for medical bills.
6 36 Gain an Enemy
6 39 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 4.
7 39 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
7 43 A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
7 43 Forced to muster out.
8 43 Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
8 43 Retired at age 43.
8 43 Became a Believer (Mainstream Believer) with the new title Lay Person.
8 45 Agatha Howe is chosen to represent Agatha Howe's faith in a vid show or other highly public forum.
8 47 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 1 with the new title Initiate.
9 47 Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
9 47 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
9 48 Agatha Howe retreat from the mundane world for a time in the hope of a revelation, although this affects your work and relationships.
10 51 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
10 51 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
10 53 Victim of a crime
11 55 Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
11 55 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
11 57 A notable academic consults with Agatha Howe about a publication or documentary he is working on. Gain a Contact in academia.
12 59 Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
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