Retired Force Commander Kim Griffiths  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Cafadan 74 F 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 10 (1) 9 (1) 7 (0)111A97
Discontented, Overbearing
Art (Performing/Instrument) 3
Art (Performing/Performer) 1
Athletics (Dexterity) 1
Athletics (Strength) 1
Carouse 2
Diplomat 1
Drive 0
Electronics (Comms) 3
Gun Combat (Archaic) 1
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Gun Combat (Slug) 2
Heavy Weapons 0
Language (Zdetl (Zhodani)) 1
Leadership 1
Melee 0
Persuade 2
Profession (Worker/Religion) 2
Recon 0
Science (Social Sciences/History) 1
Stealth 1
Streetwise 2
Vacc Suit 0
Army Army Support Private02
Entertainer Performer 36
Believer Holy Warrior Force Commander35
University Honors
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Russell Ede Rival 1 2 1 0 Cafadan (M/13)
Bell Stoker Enemy 0 2 0 0 Traltar (F/12)
Bell Stoker is diminished in both power and influence.
Emmitt Wheeler Enemy 0 1 3 1 Cafadan (M/51)
Imrarpiiun Magirziian Ally 2 0 2 1 Vilani, Imperium (F/64)
Clemmie Fields Enemy 0 4 1 0 Cafadan (F/40)
Clemmie Fields is a questionable figure such as a criminal, pirate or disgraced noble.
Armando Hunter Enemy 0 1 4 1 Cafadan (M/31)
Dhor Oeksazrrikhs Zengllou Enemy 0 2 2 0 Vargr, Imperium (F/26)
Dhor Oeksazrrikhs Zengllou is in prison or otherwise trapped somewhere.
Term Age History
1 18 Entered University.
1 22 Expand the field of Art (Instrument), but gain a Rival in Kim Griffiths's former tutor.
1 22 Graduated with honors.
2 22 Became a Army (Army Support) with the new title Private.
2 22 Attempt at commissioned failed.
2 26 Thrown into a brutal ground war
2 26 Severely injured. Fully recovered. Owe 6,250 for medical bills.
2 26 Attempt at commissioned failed.
3 26 Continued as Army (Army Support).
3 30 Unit is slaughtered in a disastrous battle, for which Kim Griffiths blame Kim Griffiths's commander. Gain commander as Enemy.
4 30 Became a Entertainer (Performer).
4 33 Criticised a questionable political leader on Kim Griffiths's homeworld, causing his downfall. Gain an Enemy
4 33 An investigation, tour, project or expedition goes wrong, stranding Kim Griffiths far from home.
5 34 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
5 36 Refused to criticise a questionable political leader on Kim Griffiths's homeworld.
6 38 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
6 42 Birth or Death involving a family member or close friend.
6 42 Promoted to Entertainer (Performer) rank 1.
7 42 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
7 46 Refused to criticise a questionable political leader on Kim Griffiths's homeworld.
7 46 Promoted to Entertainer (Performer) rank 2.
8 46 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
8 47 Gain a patron in the arts. Gain an Ally
8 50 Promoted to Entertainer (Performer) rank 3.
9 50 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
9 53 Kim Griffiths is forced out because of censorship or controversy. What truth did Kim Griffiths get too close to?
10 53 Became a Believer (Holy Warrior) with the new title Hopeful.
10 57 Kim Griffiths is sent to a new community or parish to preach The Word among the poor.
10 57 Promoted to Believer (Holy Warrior) rank 1 with the new title Fighter.
11 57 Continued as Believer (Holy Warrior).
11 60 Kim Griffiths is sent to a new community or parish to preach The Word among the poor.
11 61 Promoted to Believer (Holy Warrior) rank 2 with the new title Combat Leader.
12 61 Continued as Believer (Holy Warrior).
12 63 Kim Griffiths aid a follower back to the True Path but this angers a friend or relative. Gain an Enemy.
12 65 Promoted to Believer (Holy Warrior) rank 3 with the new title Force Commander.
13 65 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
13 65 Retired at age 65.
13 65 Continued as Believer (Holy Warrior).
13 66 Kim Griffiths is caught in the periphery of a scandal.
13 66 Demoted to Believer (Holy Warrior) rank 2 with the new title Combat Leader.
14 69 Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
14 69 Continued as Believer (Holy Warrior).
14 72 Kim Griffiths refused an offer of inducements to betray Kim Griffiths's faith. Gain 2 enemies.
14 73 Promoted to Believer (Holy Warrior) rank 3 with the new title Force Commander.
15 73 Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
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