Retired Corporal Vergie Walsh  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocPsiUPP
Solomani, Imperium 91 F 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 2 (-2) 1 (-2) 3 (-1)3 (-1)111213
Athletics (Dexterity) 1
Awareness 0
Carouse 0
Drive (Track) 1
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Gambler 1
Gun Combat (Slug) 1
Heavy Weapons 0
Mechanic 0
Melee (Unarmed) 1
Persuade 0
Recon 2
Steward 1
Streetwise 0
Telekinesis 0
Vacc Suit 0
Army Cavalry Corporal23
Scout Explorer 01
Merchant Broker 01
Entertainer Performer 02
Believer Holy Warrior Hopeful01
Retired 010
Psionic Community Failed
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Tualruilrea Eieas Ally 6 0 2 0 Aslan (M/26)
Helga Heard Enemy 0 4 2 0 Lancian (F/38)
Raymond Hudson Enemy 0 3 1 2 Solomani, Imperium (M/91)
Raymond Hudson’s relationships have begun to affect the character.
Amie Chapman Rival 2 0 0 6 Thaggeshi (F/33)
Amie Chapman is missing under suspicious circumstances.
Maudie Godkim Rival 1 2 4 1 Solomani, Imperium (F/38)
Malinda Cadden Rival 2 1 0 0 Solomani, Imperium (F/32)
Minor Fitzsimons Rival 1 1 1 4 Dynchia, Imperium (M/23)
Royal Perez Ally 2 0 0 1 Lancian (M/79)
Isabel Powell Ally 2 0 4 1 Solomani, Imperium (F/21)
Hallie Paterson Ally 4 0 3 0 Solomani, Imperium (M/54)
Fate Hunt Ally 4 0 2 0 Solomani, Imperium (M/33)
Thelma Pearson Rival 2 2 2 2 Solomani, Imperium (F/75)
Thelma Pearson gained power at the expense of a third party who now blames the character.
Kattie Twaddle Enemy 0 3 1 0 Florian (F/68)
Term Age History
1 18 Tested for psionic powers
1 18 Entered a psionic community.
1 22 Become leader in social movement.
1 22 Gain an Ally and an Enemy.
1 22 Dropped out of the psionic community.
2 22 Became a Army (Cavalry) with the new title Private.
2 25 Advanced training in a specialist field
2 26 Attempt at commissioned failed.
2 26 Promoted to Army (Cavalry) rank 1 with the new title Lance Corporal.
3 26 Attempted to change assignments.
3 26 Failed to qualify for Army Support (Army).
3 26 Continued as Army (Cavalry).
3 28 Sent to a very unpleasant region (jungle, swamp, desert, icecap, urban) to battle against guerrilla fighters and rebels. Discharged because of stress, injury or because the government wishes to bury the whole incident.
3 28 Gain rebels as Enemy
3 30 Promoted to Army (Cavalry) rank 2 with the new title Corporal.
4 30 Continued as Army (Cavalry).
4 33 Scarred. Fully recovered.
5 33 Failed to qualify for Surveyor (Scout).
5 33 Submitted to the draft.
5 33 Became a Scout (Explorer).
5 36 Psychologically damaged by Vergie Walsh's time in the scouts.
6 36 Became a Merchant (Broker).
6 40 Bankrupted by a rival. Gain the other trader as a Rival.
7 40 Became a Entertainer (Performer).
7 43 Join homeworld’s celebrity circles
8 44 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
8 47 Public opinion turns on Vergie Walsh.
9 47 Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
9 47 Retired at age 47.
9 47 Became a Believer (Holy Warrior) with the new title Hopeful.
9 49 Vergie Walsh come into conflict with a splinter group Vergie Walsh's own religion which maintains Vergie Walsh's version is the wrong one. Gain 2 Rivals.
10 49 Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
10 49 Retired.
10 52 Contact with Government.
11 53 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
11 56 A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
12 57 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
12 61 A new romantic starts. Gain an Ally.
13 61 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
13 64 Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
14 65 Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.
14 67 A romantic relationship deepens, possibly leading to marriage. Gain an Ally.
15 69 Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
15 72 Victim of a crime.
16 73 Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
16 76 Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
17 77 Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.
17 79 A new romantic starts. Gain an Ally.
18 81 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
18 82 A new romantic starts. Gain an Ally.
19 85 Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
19 88 Birth or Death involving a family member or close friend.
20 89 Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
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