Black Sheep Unknown Lord  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Vanejenese 46 M 6 (0) 4 (-1) 2 (-2) 3 (-1) 6 (0) 10 (1)64236A
Shameless, Always has a wary look, Agreeable
Admin 1
Advocate 0
Athletics (Endurance) 1
Deception 0
Gun Combat (Energy) 2
Investigate 1
Jack-of-All-Trades 1
Mechanic 0
Melee (Bludgeon) 1
Melee (Unarmed) 2
Persuade 1
Recon 0
Science (Social Sciences) 0
Stealth 1
Streetwise 1
Tactics (Naval) 1
Rogue Thief 01
Prisoner Fixer 11
Prisoner Thug 21
Noble Diplomat 2nd Secretary22
Noble Dilettante Black Sheep42
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Abel Reyes Enemy 0 3 1 0 Vanejenese (M/45)
Abel Walsham Enemy 0 2 0 0 Luriani (M/28)
Abel Walsham is particularly unusual, such as an artificial intelligence or very alien being.
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Rogue (Thief).
1 20 Arrested
2 20 Became a Prisoner (Fixer).
2 21 A riot engulfs the prison.
2 21 Loot the guards/other prisoners.
2 24 Promoted to Prisoner (Fixer) rank 1.
3 24 Switched to Prisoner (Thug) with previous rank.
3 26 Joined a prison gang
3 28 Promoted to Prisoner (Thug) rank 2.
3 28 Paroled from prison.
4 28 Became a Noble (Diplomat) with the new title Intern.
4 31 An assassin attempts to end Unknown Lord's life.
4 31 Injured. Fully recovered. Owe 5,000 for medical bills.
4 32 Promoted to Noble (Diplomat) rank 1 with the new title 3rd Secretary.
5 32 Continued as Noble (Diplomat).
5 35 Join a successful conspiracy of nobles.
5 36 Promoted to Noble (Diplomat) rank 2 with the new title 2nd Secretary.
6 36 Attempted to change assignments.
6 36 Switched to Noble (Dilettante) with the new title Ingrate and previous rank.
6 39 Unknown Lord reign is acclaimed by all as being fair and wise – or in the case of a dilettante, Unknown Lord sponge off Unknown Lord's family’s wealth a while longer. Gain either a jealous relative or an unhappy subject as an Enemy.
6 40 Forced to continue current assignment.
6 40 Promoted to Noble (Dilettante) rank 3.
7 40 Continued as Noble (Dilettante).
7 43 Refuse to join a conspiracy of nobles. Gain an Enemy.
7 44 Promoted to Noble (Dilettante) rank 4 with the new title Black Sheep.
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