Ivory Nisbet  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Humaniti 47 M 1 (-2) 6 (0) 5 (-1) 13 (2) 8 (0) 4 (-1)165D84
Strong Willed
Athletics (Strength) 1
Broker 0
Carouse 0
Diplomat 1
Drive 0
Electronics (Computers) 1
Engineer (M-drive) 1
Flyer 0
Gun Combat (Slug) 1
Investigate 1
Medic 1
Melee (Grapple) 1
Melee (Striking) 1
Persuade 0
Recon 2
Science (Life Sciences/Genetics) 1
Seafarer 0
Steward 0
Tactics (Military) 1
Vacc Suit 0
Merchant Broker 01
Army Infantry Lance Corporal13
Scholar Physician 11
Scholar Scientist 21
Scholar Field Researcher 31
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Joe Graham Enemy 0 1 3 2 Humaniti (M/73)
Joe Graham's influence is diminished.
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Merchant (Broker).
1 22 Imperial trade restrictions force Ivory Nisbet out of business.
2 22 Became a Army (Infantry) with the new title Private.
2 26 Assigned to a planet with a hostile or wild environment.
2 26 Promoted to Army (Infantry) rank 1 with the new title Lance Corporal.
3 26 Continued as Army (Infantry).
3 28 Commanding officer takes an interest in Ivory Nisbet's career.
4 30 Continued as Army (Infantry).
4 32 Sent to a very unpleasant region (jungle, swamp, desert, icecap, urban) to battle against guerrilla fighters and rebels. Discharged because of stress, injury or because the government wishes to bury the whole incident.
4 32 Gain rebels as Enemy
5 32 Became a Scholar (Physician).
5 35 Advanced training in a specialist field.
5 36 Promoted to Scholar (Physician) rank 1.
6 36 Attempted to change assignments.
6 36 Switched to Scholar (Scientist) with previous rank.
6 40 Win a prestigious prize for Ivory Nisbet's work.
6 40 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 2.
7 40 Attempted to change assignments.
7 40 Switched to Scholar (Field Researcher) with previous rank.
7 44 Advanced training in a specialist field.
7 44 Promoted to Scholar (Field Researcher) rank 3.
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