Retired Captain Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Vilani, Imperium 63 M 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 2 (-2) 8 (0) 9 (1)111289
Fortunate, Elusive
Astrogation 0
Athletics (Strength) 1
Carouse 2
Deception 1
Drive (Track) 1
Electronics (Comms) 1
Electronics (Remote Ops) 1
Engineer (Power) 1
Gambler 1
Gun Combat (Archaic) 1
Heavy Weapons (Vehicle) 1
Investigate 1
Leadership 1
Mechanic 0
Medic 1
Persuade 2
Pilot 0
Profession (Sports/Golf) 1
Science (Social Sciences/Belief) 2
Stealth 1
Steward 1
Survival 0
Vacc Suit 1
Drifter Scavenger 11
Army Infantry Captain2 / 02
Scout Explorer 01
Entertainer Performer 13
Believer Mainstream Believer Senior Priest44
Retired 02
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Johnny Horton Rival 1 0 1 2 Yilean (M/34)
Edwin Burke Contact 1 1 1 4 Sylean (M/32)
Edwin Burke gains in influence.
Na Dudkhaskuui Contact 2 1 4 1 Vilani, Imperium (F/71)
Migush Contact 0 2 1 0 Vilani, Imperium (M/58)
Relationship soured.
Urlim Urzash Contact 1 1 0 1 Vilani, Imperium (F/44)
Urlim Urzash is diminished in both power and influence.
Amgeshmirda Aaashshashu Contact 3 0 0 1 Vilani, Imperium (F/13)
Hans Scott Contact 3 1 1 4 Ayansh'i (M/25)
Hans Scott has life-changing event that creates new responsibilities.
E Ap Enemy 0 0 0 0 Vilani, Imperium (F/24)
Elias Graham Enemy 0 1 1 1 Vanejenese (M/21)
Ressie Brook Enemy 0 0 2 2 Vanejenese (F/22)
Ressie Brook is missing under suspicious circumstances.
Katharine McPherson Ally 3 0 1 4 Halka (F/44)
Idanki Usagi Ally 1 0 5 4 Vilani, Imperium (M/9)
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Drifter (Scavenger).
1 19 Offered job by a patron. Now owe him a favor.
1 22 Promoted to Drifter (Scavenger) rank 1.
2 22 Became a Army (Infantry) with the new title Private.
2 24 Assigned to a planet with a hostile or wild environment.
2 26 Commissioned in Army (Infantry) with the new title Lieutenant.
2 26 Promoted to Army (Infantry) officer rank 2 with the new title Captain.
3 26 Continued as Army (Infantry).
3 27 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan is tormented by or quarrel with an officer or fellow soldier. Gain that officer as a Rival.
4 27 Became a Scout (Explorer).
4 29 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan's ship is damaged, and Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan have to hitch-hike Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan's way back across the stars to the nearest scout base.
4 29 Gain 6 Contacts. Gain 3 Enemies.
5 29 Became a Entertainer (Performer).
5 31 Gained a contact.
6 33 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
6 37 Moved to a new world.
6 37 Promoted to Entertainer (Performer) rank 1.
7 37 Continued as Entertainer (Performer).
7 39 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan is betrayed by a peer. One Ally or Contact becomes a Rival or Enemy
8 39 Became a Believer (Mainstream Believer) with the new title Lay Person.
8 40 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan is chosen to represent Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan's faith in a vid show or other highly public forum.
8 43 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 1 with the new title Initiate.
9 43 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
9 46 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan is involved in good works in the community, gaining the respect of a large segment of society. Gain SOC +1 and an Ally.
9 47 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 2 with the new title Lay Preacher.
10 47 Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
10 47 Retired at age 47.
10 47 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
10 51 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan is chosen to represent Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan's faith in a vid show or other highly public forum.
10 51 Forced to continue current assignment.
10 51 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 3 with the new title Priest.
11 51 Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
11 51 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
11 54 Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan is chosen to represent Khuiii Mili Kiigsugan's faith in a vid show or other highly public forum.
11 55 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 4 with the new title Senior Priest.
12 55 Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
12 55 Voluntarily left Mainstream Believer
12 55 Retired.
12 56 A romantic relationship deepens, possibly leading to marriage. Gain an Ally.
13 59 Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
13 63 Birth or Death involving a family member or close friend.
14 63 Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.
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