3rd Officer Delia Skidd  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Trexen 42 F 8 (0) 4 (-1) 7 (0) 11 (1) 3 (-1) 3 (-1)847B33
Athletics (Endurance) 1
Diplomat 0
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Engineer (J-drive) 1
Flyer 0
Investigate 1
Mechanic 1
Medic 1
Pilot (Capital Ships) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 1
Science (Robotic Sciences/Cybernetics) 1
Steward 1
Vacc Suit 1
Scholar Physician 22
Merchant Merchant Marine 3rd Officer34
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Dovie Reekey Ally 2 0 1 2 Florian (F/65)
Octavia Ruiz Ally 0 0 4 1 Trexen (F/42)
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Scholar (Physician).
1 21 A new romantic starts. Gain an Ally.
1 22 Promoted to Scholar (Physician) rank 1.
2 22 Continued as Scholar (Physician).
2 23 Work for an eccentric but brilliant mentor, who becomes an Ally.
2 26 Promoted to Scholar (Physician) rank 2.
3 26 Voluntarily left Physician
3 26 Failed to qualify for Enforcer (Rogue).
3 26 Submitted to the draft.
3 26 Became a Merchant (Merchant Marine) with the new title Crewman.
4 30 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
4 34 Forced to continue current assignment.
4 34 Promoted to Merchant (Merchant Marine) rank 1 with the new title Senior Crewman.
5 34 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
5 35 A good deal ensures Delia Skidd is living the high life for a few years.
5 38 Promoted to Merchant (Merchant Marine) rank 2 with the new title 4th Officer.
6 38 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
6 42 Embroiled in legal trouble.
6 42 Promoted to Merchant (Merchant Marine) rank 3 with the new title 3rd Officer.
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