Retired Priest Madeleine Weddall  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Cafadan 68 F 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 8 (0) 10 (1) 13 (2)1118AD
Hopeless, Devoted
Admin 1
Athletics 0
Broker 0
Carouse 0
Drive (Walker) 1
Drive (Wheel) 1
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Flyer 0
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Heavy Weapons 0
Language (Galanglic (3rd Imperium)) 1
Mechanic 1
Medic 1
Melee 0
Persuade 5
Pilot (Capital Ships) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Profession (Worker/Polymers) 1
Recon 0
Science (Social Sciences/Belief) 1
Streetwise 1
Vacc Suit 1
Army Infantry Private01
Merchant Merchant Marine 3rd Officer35
Scout Explorer 01
Believer Mainstream Believer Priest35
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Albertina Neal Enemy 0 1 1 4 Swanfeh (F/46)
Yeye Yiye Ally 3 0 3 1 Ael Yael (M/32)
Dalton Tow Ally 2 0 2 1 Cafadan (M/67)
Dalton Tow has life-changing event that creates new responsibilities.
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Army (Infantry) with the new title Private.
1 22 Scarred. Fully recovered. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
2 22 Failed to qualify for Field Researcher (Scholar).
2 22 Submitted to the draft.
2 22 Became a Merchant (Merchant Marine) with the new title Crewman.
2 25 A good deal ensures Madeleine Weddall is living the high life for a few years.
2 26 Promoted to Merchant (Merchant Marine) rank 1 with the new title Senior Crewman.
3 26 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
3 30 Embroiled in legal trouble.
4 30 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
4 32 A good deal ensures Madeleine Weddall is living the high life for a few years.
4 34 Promoted to Merchant (Merchant Marine) rank 2 with the new title 4th Officer.
5 34 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
5 38 Promoted to Merchant (Merchant Marine) rank 3 with the new title 3rd Officer.
6 38 Continued as Merchant (Merchant Marine).
6 40 Refuse to smuggle illegal items onto a planet. Gain an Enemy.
6 42 Forced to muster out.
7 42 Became a Scout (Explorer).
7 46 Madeleine Weddall have no idea what happened to Madeleine Weddall – they found Madeleine Weddall's ship drifting on the fringes of friendly space.
8 46 Became a Believer (Mainstream Believer) with the new title Lay Person.
8 47 Madeleine Weddall refuse to secretly provide religious rites for a dying leader or noble, because they do not share Madeleine Weddall's faith.
9 50 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
9 53 Madeleine Weddall is chosen to represent Madeleine Weddall's faith in a vid show or other highly public forum.
10 54 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
10 55 Madeleine Weddall is involved in good works in the community, gaining the respect of a large segment of society. Gain SOC +1 and an Ally.
10 58 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 1 with the new title Initiate.
11 58 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
11 60 Madeleine Weddall refuse to secretly provide religious rites for a dying leader or noble, because they do not share Madeleine Weddall's faith.
11 62 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 2 with the new title Lay Preacher.
12 62 Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
12 62 Retired at age 62.
12 62 Continued as Believer (Mainstream Believer).
12 66 Madeleine Weddall is involved in good works in the community, gaining the respect of a large segment of society. Gain SOC +1 and an Ally.
12 66 Promoted to Believer (Mainstream Believer) rank 3 with the new title Priest.
13 66 Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
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