Alda Craig  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Darmine 43 F 8 (0) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 8 (0) 11 (1) 4 (-1)8118B4
Promiscuous, Sunken cheeks
Admin 1
Advocate 1
Art (Performing/Instrument) 1
Broker 0
Diplomat 1
Electronics 0
Flyer 0
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Language 0
Leadership 0
Mechanic 0
Medic 1
Persuade 0
Profession (Colonist/Farming) 1
Recon 0
Science (Life Sciences) 0
Streetwise 1
Vacc Suit 1
Citizen Corporate Manager23
Agent Corporate Agent 01
Merchant Free Trader 01
Drifter Scavenger 12
Merchant Broker 01
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Jimmie Fisher Enemy 0 4 1 2 Darmine (F/20)
Lonzo Lawson Contact 2 2 1 3 Ne Kraeda ren Kelva (M/78)
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Citizen (Corporate).
1 20 Alda Craig learn something Alda Craig should not have – a corporate secret, a political scandal – which Alda Craig can profit from illegally.
1 22 Promoted to Citizen (Corporate) rank 1.
2 22 Continued as Citizen (Corporate).
2 24 Alda Craig is rewarded for Alda Craig's diligence or cunning.
2 26 Promoted to Citizen (Corporate) rank 2 with the new title Manager.
3 26 Continued as Citizen (Corporate).
3 29 Hard times caused by a lack of interstellar trade costs Alda Craig Alda Craig's job.
4 29 Became a Agent (Corporate Agent).
4 31 Hard times caused by a lack of interstellar trade costs Alda Craig's job.
5 31 Became a Merchant (Free Trader).
5 33 A sudden war destroys Alda Craig's trade routes and contacts, forcing Alda Craig to flee that region of space.
5 33 Gain rebels as Enemy
6 33 Failed to qualify for Field Researcher (Scholar).
6 33 Became a Drifter (Scavenger).
6 36 Attempted a risky adventure and was wildly successful.
6 37 Promoted to Drifter (Scavenger) rank 1.
7 37 Continued as Drifter (Scavenger).
7 39 Suffer from a life-threatening illness.
8 39 Switched to Merchant (Broker).
8 42 Make an unexpected connection outside Alda Craig's normal circles. Gain a Contact.
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