Cornelious Coleman  

Species Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu SocUPP
Trexen 44 M 3 (-1) 9 (1) 1 (-2) 5 (-1) 8 (0) 10 (1)39158A
Imaginative, Frazzled
Admin 1
Animals 0
Athletics (Endurance) 1
Carouse 0
Electronics (Computers) 1
Electronics (Remote Ops) 1
Flyer 0
Mechanic 0
Medic 1
Melee 0
Science (Physical Sciences/Chemistry) 1
Science (Social Sciences/Economics) 1
Science (Physical Sciences/Physics) 1
Science (Social Sciences/Psychology) 1
Seafarer 0
Stealth 0
Survival 0
Drifter Barbarian 01
Scout Surveyor 01
Scholar Scientist 25
Name Type Affinity Enmity Power Influence Species
Constance French Ally 4 0 2 5 Trexen (F/60)
Term Age History
1 18 Became a Drifter (Barbarian).
1 21 Lightly injured, no permanent damage. Fully recovered.
2 21 Failed to qualify for Explorer (Scout).
2 21 Submitted to the draft.
2 21 Became a Scout (Surveyor).
2 24 Lightly injured, no permanent damage. Fully recovered.
3 24 Became a Scholar (Scientist).
3 25 Make a breakthrough in Cornelious Coleman's field.
3 28 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 1.
4 28 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
4 32 Entangled in a bureaucratic or legal morass that distracts Cornelious Coleman from Cornelious Coleman's work.
5 32 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
5 33 A romantic relationship deepens, possibly leading to marriage. Gain an Ally.
6 36 Attempted to change assignments.
6 36 Failed to qualify for Field Researcher (Scholar).
6 36 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
6 40 Caught cheating in some fashion, advancing Cornelious Coleman's career and research by stealing another’s work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth.
6 40 An expedition or voyage goes wrong, leaving Cornelious Coleman stranded in the wilderness.
6 40 Gain an Enemy
6 40 Promoted to Scholar (Scientist) rank 2.
7 40 Continued as Scholar (Scientist).
7 44 Cornelious Coleman's work is sabotaged by unknown parties. Cornelious Coleman may salvage what Cornelious Coleman can and give up.
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